

The ‘Beginning’

‘Bijnor Mission’ was established in the year 1972 as an exarchate and Msgr Gratian Mundadan CMI was appointed its Exarch. It can easily be said that the Mission is a first-class miracle: it started from scratch. The pioneer missionaries, as the Apostles of Christ, came to this unknown land, empty handed. They owned no home, no land; totally strange culture, initially-hostile people, life-threatening geographical conditions. There was not even a single faithful whom the missionary community could administer the Sacraments to. Yet, they trusted in the One who promised them to be with them till the end of the world!

The Expansion

In the years that followed, may priests from the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI), a religious congregation founded by St Kuriakose Elias Chavara, a Kerala-born reformer and Saint, came to this holy land of the Hindu brethren and started their adventurous priestly ministry. Religious nuns from Franciscan and Carmelite Orders also joined one by one. The family atmosphere and unity among them prompted the missionaries to work as a single unit, with clear vision and mission imparted by Msgr. Gratian. The missionary community, having travelled more than 3000 kilometres away from their homes in south, left all luxuries and comforts back there and readied to serve the people of this land, ignoring the extreme climatic conditions prevailing in the region. The mountainous terrains, rapid landslides, unexpected cloud bursts, sudden flash floods, frightening earth quakes - nothing could stop them from their committed journey ahead. They had Christ in all their undertakings and hence, none of those seemingly dangerous threats could deviate them from their target. They mingled with local people, learned the language of the land, studied their culture and customs, adapted themselves to the local practices and religious observances. Their rugged unwavering faith stood as witness to those who, at times even doubted their selfless service. Soon, they won their hearts as well!